The Hamburg Public Library will be CLOSED Tuesday, December 31, and Wednesday, January 1, for the New Year holiday.  Have a happy and blessed holiday, and we hope to see you in the new year.


Tuesday, January 7, Adult Coloring and Jigsaw Puzzle-ing at the Hamburg Public Library 2-4 p.m.  We are starting the new year with a 1000 piece puzzle to get us through the dark days of January....  And possibly February.


Thursday, January 9, noon to 1 p.m., in the Library meeting room. Iowa History 101: Tom Harkin, Jesse Jackson, and Iowa's Left Wing Politics of the 1980s 

Join Cory Haala and learn how a network of left-wing activists and political allies cooperated to win elections in the 1980s and gave rise to national figures like Jesse Jackson. Rediscover Iowa's grassroots organizing and economic populism, from the Farm Crisis to plant closures, and a bygone era of Democratic Party success in the state.

The Iowa History 101 webinars share Iowa stories and the history of the state through a cultural history lens

on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month.

        Registration is required for each event and to receive a link to the recorded program.



Tuesday, January 14, Free Blood Pressure Checks, 2-4 p.m. upstairs at the Hamburg Public Library, 1301 Main Street.



Tuesday, January 21, 11 a.m. Hamburg Book Club is meeting to discuss the second part of Vanderbilt: The Rise and Fall of An American Dynasty by Anderson Cooper and Katherine Howe.


Tuesday, January 21, 2 p.m.  An opportunity for young readers to enjoy a special reading and activity time for preschool children.  Registration is not required, but it is helpful to know how many crafts need to be available.  If you have questions, please call the Library, 712-382-1395.


Thursday, January 23, noon to 1 p.m., in the Library meeting room. Iowa History 101: The Nature of Iowa:  Considering the environment in Iowa State History by Cameron Burd.

Camden Burd discusses the role of environmental history as a way to explore the history of Iowa. In particular, he will discuss how a study of the environment reveals information about past inhabitants, their values, and altered landscapes. Additionally, he will discuss how an examination of Iowa’s environmental history reveals a better understanding of issues facing Iowans today.

The Iowa History 101 webinars share Iowa stories and the history of the state through a cultural history lens

on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month.

        Registration is required for each event and to receive a link to the recorded program.


Coming from the State Historical Society in February are:  a program by Hanna Howard on February 13, and Gwendolyn Wilson Fowler: A Woman of Distinction on Thursday, February 27, by Jerome Thompson.


 Fremont County Historical Society:  For research with county records, contact the society's President and Genealogist Sandra Bengtson, Box 26, Sidney, IA  51652,   712-313-0259.

 Research at FCHS

 Genealogical Researcher

 Submit an electronic request for genealogy research here: Genealogical Research Request Form
...or download the request form here: Genealogical Research Request Form.pdf

"I help individuals trace their families by checking birth, death, marriage records, or any other available records at our museum or the Fremont County Courthouse."
-Sandra Bengtson

Phone: 712.374.3156



Iowa Genealogical Society:

Iowa Genealogical Society is located at 628 E Grand Avenue, Des Moines, IA  50309-1924. 

Hours are M-W-F-S 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., T-Th 10 a.m.-9


1 Year Individual Membership is $37.50.  Family Membership $47.50.